Sand Hill Berries is a family farm located in the foothills of the beautiful Laurel Highlands in southwestern Pennsylvania. The farm has a long history dating back to 1779 (the date on one of the cornerstones). Originally 400 acres, one of the present borders of the farm is one of General Braddock’s routes to Fort Duquesne (Fort Pitt) during the French and Indian War.

In 1986, Sand Hill Berries began with five acres of red raspberries and two acres of black raspberries. Thirteen years later, the last of the original planting was removed in the fall and replanted with a newer variety. The mainstay crop remains raspberries, but blackberries, red currants, gooseberries, black currants, heirloom apples, strawberries, and a few stone fruits, seedless grapes have been added. In 1998, six acres of black currants were planted for processing. Future plans consist of a kiwi berry crop, blueberries, and more grapes.

Since preserving and baking is a family tradition, in 1991 Sand Hill Berries began processing pantry products and baked goods. The Farm Store opened as a retail outlet to sell these products and baked goods.

Also, in the early 1990’s, desserts and toppings were created from the farm’s own fresh fruit in the kitchens of Sand Hill Berries. The desserts were sold at Southwestern Pennsylvania festivals to a public hungry for home baked fruit pies. Many people first heard of Sand Hill Berries at these events.

Soon, jam and jellies were introduced at the Farm Store. Since the beginning, they have been cooked in small batches that produce 5-8 jars per batch. The rare taste of the products is a fresh, intense fruit taste.

Today, pies and cookies are baked daily in the Sand Hill Berries kitchens and sold at the Farm Store. In 1999, an outdoor café was opened. Today, the Café Persimmon sells dessert. The Cabin Café offers salads and sandwiches opens in the spring through the fall.

Sand Hill Berries welcomes visitors year round.